Random things will come and go on this page please don't be worried. Jokes and pictures will be posted also

Sunday, March 26, 2006


I went to a civil war reenactment, and it was really good. You could feel the shockwave of the cannons when they were fired (I got to fire the canon a few times) It was just great.
There was a dance with live performers, fiddle, hammer dulcimer, guitar, etc. I will be participitating reenactment with some friends in october, I think the place is called Mosshime.
One cool thing there, was that I found a bunch of rifle cartriges, with enough black powder to make a few cherry bombs or an M-1. last thing, they had a thing called an anvil shoot, it is where you take about 2 pounds of black powder and pack it under an anvil, and then you detonate it, the anvils fly about 200 feet in the air and the guys needed a few anvil catchers, I didn't volunteer.
The guys in my camp were plotting to make rooster stew on saturday, there was this group of chickens and roosters, and one of the roosters had the very bright idea of crowing at 4:30 in the morning. Needless to say, at about 5:00 am the reenactment called revile, and nobody but my group got up, the whole bridgeport camp started waking up at about 6:30. The next night (sunday) the roosters started crowing at 3 am, and I heard the owner start yelling at the roosters I don't know what he did but it worked. I think some of those roosters ar blind.

Pictures will come soon, after I get a camera, and after I collect the pictures I took with my friends cameras

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


You know you’ve got bad breath when

The cat leaves the room in haste even after you have eaten a breath mint.
Your wife passes out when you kiss her after you get home from work.
You can kill all of the little black birds that congregate on power lines just by yawning. You can knock out squirrels from the other end of your deck (15 +/- feet)
No dentist will see you
Your doctor has to wear a gas mask

Artificial copyright? by me
Inspired while brushing teeth

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I dislike the online chemistry that I am forced to take, I have an odd attraction to C level grades.

I am also taking chemistry through a better written textbook, and I have learned many things from it, compared to online where I have learned nothing and I am just in the middle of quarter two.

The online bible is even harder, because you get no information and you have to write these long 1-2 page papers. Still I have learned nothing and I am stuck in quarter 1.

I would be happy if I could take only Spanish, web design, and english online, drop the bible class completly, and just finish chemistry and geometry offline.

This online school is called Grace Academy

2 things

1. I will be starting my own computer business

2. I need to get my hands on a server