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Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I dislike the online chemistry that I am forced to take, I have an odd attraction to C level grades.

I am also taking chemistry through a better written textbook, and I have learned many things from it, compared to online where I have learned nothing and I am just in the middle of quarter two.

The online bible is even harder, because you get no information and you have to write these long 1-2 page papers. Still I have learned nothing and I am stuck in quarter 1.

I would be happy if I could take only Spanish, web design, and english online, drop the bible class completly, and just finish chemistry and geometry offline.

This online school is called Grace Academy


Blogger Austininva said...

Ben i have a strong attraction to b level work, chemistry is just hard. Phooey

8:18 AM

Blogger Ben said...

I have a current B average, but I can't escape the grasp of C grades in online chemistry

10:48 AM


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