Happy thanksgiving to all
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
It snowed a little in chattanooga at 12:45 on 11-20-06. This defies global warming. It is too bad the snow didn't accumulate. But there is a garuntee for at least one good snow about 1.5 inches. sometime from now until the middle of feburary.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
I don't get it
Why are the holidays 1-2 months early? It isn't even thanksgiving and there a christmas sales going on already. What is up with that?
Friday, November 17, 2006
I don't understand america
Why is it that everyone across america has this compelling desire to buy the newest things at the opening sale for a ridiculous price, like the PS3 and the Wii. why can't they wait a few years and buy it at a reasonable price? Hd is alsmost within reach, but it will probably be better priced in the early/middle of next year. I've seen on tv, people waiting in line at 3 in the morning before the stores open and runnin g about like mad things throwing everything on the shelves into their carts and maxing out credit cards. I see them as complete idiots wasting a lot of money.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
a job (eventually)
In the summer, i'm probably going to take up a part time job at one of these locations. Staples, Sprint or AT&T, Affordable computers, or some other electronics store.
I plan to either work on the floor at staples or sprint, helping customers make the best decision about a phone or a computer.
at affordable computers, i plan to work on computers that need repair and restore them to full operating efficiency.
that is all for now
Saturday, November 04, 2006
3 wierd things in life right now
1. oil based paint smells better than phosphoric acid
2. they are now using kids for political telephone ads
3. my microwave is on speednuke, It took about 10 seconds to go from the start (2mins, 30 sec) to check( 1 min, 15 sec) and the food was still cold
So im using the toaster oven until i figure out what is wrong. (too late, i already fixed it)
After many hours of fiddling with the keypad (actually all of four seconds) I unplugged it and plugged it back in, set the time and it seems to be working normally now.
Friday, November 03, 2006
rust removal and vista
I got to work on an eagleproject which involves removing rust from meatal beds and then spray painting them. Well phosphoric acid smells really bad. And also does bad things to your skin So never be downwind when applying the stuff. Well we got done two hours ahead of schedule and the younger scouts got into some moon pies which weren't supposed to be eaten. But the debbies are better than moon pies anyways.
Now onto Microsoft Windows Vista. I like vista in the form of a new theme for XP, the actual operating system is a (soon to be) $400 piece of junk. Vista is a slug on most normally speedy machines with XP. To run remotely fast with vista you need 3ghz dual core processor, 3 gigs of ram, 60 gig hd, and a high speed data transfer. so in essence you could get an awesome gaming xp machine for the same price ($1000 +) So, if you go to vista be warned you should have just gotten the vista theme, which in essence turns xp into the look alike of vista.