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Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I had this really weird dream last night, it involved a hospital setting, and operation for my dog, and grenades. I was the lab prep/ fetcher for the head surgeon, andI had to go into the stock room to get a proper breathing tube and make sure the equipment was set right. Before that, when I was being briefed about the operation it sounded like the operation was going to be done on me. The head surgeon cleared that up. Then the scene suddenly shifts to a war zone in the same building, I got to be the grenade chucker and I had an automatice version of the herny repeater rifle. I was lobbing grenades, and one bounced back, and I dove into a closet and the grenade went off, and I found no door on the closet. I then took my rifle and sniped the ringleader of the enemy and the rest of the men just vanished. (end of dream)
It was really weird. I never found out how the operation went.

Also I will make more posts soon on my other two blogs, school is in the way right now.


Blogger Andrew said...

Dude, that's an awesome dream!

10:26 PM


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