Random things will come and go on this page please don't be worried. Jokes and pictures will be posted also

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I had this really weird dream last night, it involved a hospital setting, and operation for my dog, and grenades. I was the lab prep/ fetcher for the head surgeon, andI had to go into the stock room to get a proper breathing tube and make sure the equipment was set right. Before that, when I was being briefed about the operation it sounded like the operation was going to be done on me. The head surgeon cleared that up. Then the scene suddenly shifts to a war zone in the same building, I got to be the grenade chucker and I had an automatice version of the herny repeater rifle. I was lobbing grenades, and one bounced back, and I dove into a closet and the grenade went off, and I found no door on the closet. I then took my rifle and sniped the ringleader of the enemy and the rest of the men just vanished. (end of dream)
It was really weird. I never found out how the operation went.

Also I will make more posts soon on my other two blogs, school is in the way right now.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


We now have a gps, it still takes a long time to get a hold of them rascal sattelites. It is grat overall, the buttons are a little small, but hey, it's got computer connectivity, so i'm happy

Ahar the sea awaits me and my crew to go find some bounty with the new navigator gps.

(it's talk like a pirate day today)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

more amusing sayings

Know why god invented wiskey?
To keep the irish from ruling the world

irish dont walk out of bars they stay in them or are thrown out

ol danny boy and an apache flare

smokeless fire, that'll be the day

we have a slow high speed internet connection

Sunday, September 03, 2006


I went kneeboarding for the first time in my life today, It was pretty awesome. (the top pic is of me) I only did simple tricks. But I did stay up the longest, while dodging and being bounced by boat wakes and chop. That was only on one run. But I stayed up for about 7 minutes.

The guy in the second picture (caleb) is actually standing up on the kneeboard. He held it for about 5 seconds and then he fell off.