Random things will come and go on this page please don't be worried. Jokes and pictures will be posted also

Thursday, August 31, 2006

speed test

I tested my computer with the new ram for applications speed, and it can handle over 45 applications, some of which required a lot of memory to start. My computer powered through like a rocket.

I havent tested the games yet, but i know I can have some other apps working while playing the game, eg- like mp3 encoding, downloads, etc. while playing battlefeild 1942

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I just successfully upgraded my laptop computer's memory from 512 meg to 2 gigs.

It was easier than i thought.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

poor pluto

The idiot scientists have decided that pluto is not a true planet. Their reasoning is that its orbit overlaps neptune's and read the quote below

"celestial body that is in orbit around the sun, has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a ... nearly round shape, and has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit"

So when did the scientists think that they had control over the planets. Remember when they discovered two more planets beyond pluto. Anyways there is probably a reason for pluto's orbit to overlap.

And finally, no I don't worship the planets, I am just irked at why science is changing stuff and trying to remove God. It's like not putting the shade on a lamp idea.

Monday, August 21, 2006

summer camp idiots

Last year at bucktoms summer camp, there was a redneck troop next to our camp, and they were next to the rifle range. (smart eh?) Anyways, they stole some stuff from us, and we got really mad. And I tried to use some of my logic to bust them, but they busted themselves. While we were in camp getting ready for dinner, the rednecks came up the embankment that separated our camp. Earlier when I tried to bust them, i didn't say anything about coming into camp from the back way. So, a point for us, and none for the rednecks.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Here is something for you,

When you are learning a new dance step, and you are having to think about each step, life is hard, but when you don't think about it, life is a piece of cake

Saturday, August 19, 2006


make the three words ryme with something familiar, it goes like this-
Took, Sign, Blinker-
Hook, Line and Sinker

Now see if you can guess these

Wife, Pork, Croon

Head, Fright, Chew

Crock, gawk, darrel

comment if you want/ guess the answers

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

more sayings

italian is for the chef, with power cables!

10 six packs beer and a trip to new Zealand

what is it with flying trucks

Sunday, August 13, 2006

office 2007

In office 2007 beta, there are no glitches, it has a new look and more features.

Don't download the groove thing, it is a fancy version of msn messenger and outlook combined.

Do download the office 2007 profesional plus while it is still free

Saturday, August 12, 2006


I am back from working at a bible camp, it was a lot of fun, and if the food had a little bit more fiber lifw would have been perfest without high humidity.

random warning

Hobart Nooo!

a collection of sayings from camp

No one likes us, lets go eat worms

John your preaching is like singing to onions, i'm sure they would appreceate it

i know you already know this, i still have to teach you

it's the bermuda triangle... of love

no reading from the book of palm

eat freedom fries and boycott french wine

l shall use this stone to kill 10,000 people, wanna' buy an indian rock

these are the wise words of sam-
I'm going to need a bigger coin

watch out for a southern sneak attack

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Coincidence of post and blog name, maybe

I had tasted a cucumber today, i shall say it almost tasted like watermelon. If you are wondering why i posted about eating cucumbers, well just read the address cucumbers and toothpicks, sorry the slice of cucumber was on my fork not a toothpick

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I got the palm e today, it is very sleek, cool, stylish and fast. I am going to use it as my mp3 player and note taker.