Random things will come and go on this page please don't be worried. Jokes and pictures will be posted also

Sunday, July 30, 2006

2, dos, deuce, quad, etc

ok, 3 things, 1 the title is random

the other two, I can touch type now (I can type without looking at the keyboard)

and also I have this uncanny ability to wake up 15 minutes before my alarm clock goes off

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I stuck a cup of water in the freezer to cool it off, and when I took it out, the ice had frozen in a way that it encased the water.

Saturday, July 22, 2006


May I have a count as to how many people read this blog?

Friday, July 21, 2006

Here is 1 more,

Rock on like snails stick to wood

Thursday, July 20, 2006

funny randomness

These sayings were made up and some are actually very funny. Credits go to me, andrew, and drew

I see a monster, can I have a glass of water?

Sobe, eat fresh

IHOC- international house of cheese

A meteor from Philadelphia

Someone laced the pizza bites, gosh, I told them not to

And on Friday we shall eat cheese, and all the people said amen

Killing brain cells requires mass drama

Cheese monkeys rule the world, OW stupid chair

Gosh! I can see you, I'm deaf

Santa is a ninja and a cheese monkey, you can't see him without being killed

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Yes, I did it! I passed my eagle board. Now to schedule the court of honor.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

very useful

This thing is extremely useful when working on the computer.

the keyboard command is: Ctrl+Z

this command is the universal undo, say you copied a bunch of pictures 1 too many times, hit Ctrl+Z, and it will undo that copy.

It will come in handy, like Alt+F4- this key command closes any open program.

I am so happy, I can drive a straight shift car smoothly, and I have only had my permit for 10 days. I drove on hixson pike today, that was fun. I am up to 4th gear now. Getting the car moving is still a little hard. Good luck to all with your driving. Everyone needs to learn a stick shift.

I am so happy, I can drive a straight shift car smoothly, and I have only had my permit for 10 days. I drove on hixson pike today, that was fun. I am up to 4th gear now

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I found this strange bug was found on a recent camping trip. I found out that it is called the dobsonfly

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I am writing a sequel to the My side of the Mountain story. I have named it Our Side of the Mountain, and that is all I am going to tell you.

I will put up an excerpt soon.

July 4th 2006

Happy 4th everybody.

I didn't take this pic, but check out my photo blog tommorrow.

Monday, July 03, 2006


I now have my permit, I can now drive legally on the road.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


A review on Micorsoft Vista Ultimate.

It is really cool, graphically and in everything else except speed. A snail would have been able to operate faster than my computer, (and that is actually saying something, in XP my computer is like the speed of light)

I was expecting a speedy operating system; Vista is XP in hi-def, you can use it if you have the money for expensive upgrades.

I'll say more sooon