Random things will come and go on this page please don't be worried. Jokes and pictures will be posted also

Thursday, June 29, 2006


I took an act practice test, and my score came today, it was an 18, I need a 19 to go to college, and a 21 to get a scholarship.

An interesting thing with me, science is ok, and that was my highest score- 74

English took a nosedive- composite of 18
the Eng. usage score was- 56
the rhetorical skills- 26

Reading- composite of 15
social studies- 16
lit- 30

Math was better, composite of 16
pre-algebra- 8- I never took pre alg.
Algebra/geometry- 67
trig- 37

all I have to do is take trig, and brush up my English, and i will be ready to go to college.

I haven't taken social studies at all

I always ace my science, maybe that is a hint from God, i don't know. Computers is my best subject, maybe i am to go into computer science and revolutionize something.

As I am homeschooled, average on my sat score would maybe make above average in public school, and above average would make a star student.

I didn't get any below average on my sat (yay)
I got phs in all of my science (not surprised)
English was in the average factor, and pretty much everything else was above average.

ok ok I am done, now please comment on my blogs especially my photo one

this blog

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I found a brand new 30 gig ipod video for $30 on ebay, I asked the owner if it was a trick, and he said it wasn't.

i also found the 6 gig ipod mini, and the 1 gig ipond nano for $30 also


Pictures, The boat is made of stacked glass plates.
The hole was about 7 feet deep, and I helped dig it.
The yellow and green lines are glowsticks.

www.kodakz730.blogspot.com for some more pics

These are random sayings, I didn't make them up, I heard them on a classic looney toon.

Pass the ketchup, I think it is going to rain

Turn on the radio, I want to fly a kite

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Here is something to think about.

If a person with multiple personalities, threatens to kill themself, is it considered a hostage situation?

All smoke detectors have a radioactive element in them

Hydorgen will be the next generation of fuel

Sunday, June 25, 2006

I'm back

See, you survived a week without me. I'm back from an extremly fun weekend in fenwick island delaware.

Fenwick island is fun for the tax free shopping, the beach is across the street, and you can't run out of things to do.

Austin got a $150 ipod for $3, i tried for it first, but I think i can one on ebay for about the same price. But right now, my laptop is my ipod. I might get a media oriented palm pilot instead.

i'll put up pics later

Saturday, June 17, 2006


I am on my way to fenwick island delaware, I am in a hotel in strausburg virginia. I'll put up some pics, in a few days , like after I go deep sea fishing, exploring the beach, etc. I'll be back in a week.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Riverbend 2006

My first time at riverbend. I liked FFH better, than audio adrenaline. FFH had a little too much bass, but the lyrics were recognizable.
audio adrenaline was cranked up, and not much of the music was recognizable.

Friday, June 09, 2006


my opinion of other laptops I have used

Toshiba tecra 8000
Dell latitude LS
dell latitude c810

The toshiba was a powerhorse when 64 megs of ram, and the pentium 2 was expensive.
It only runs xp professional, and works best as a program monitor of some piece of equipment.

The latitude ls, was the thinnest laptop I have ever used. the screen was 13 inches, it weighed 4 or less pounds. It was made when the 400 mhz pentium 3 and 256 meg of ram was expensive.
I would say that the LS was only 3/4 of an inch thick

The latitude c810 is a very powerful desktop replacement, with only 2 hours of battery life, and a 15 inch screen. The processor was a pentium 3 mobile, the speed would jump all over the place just by opening a word document. The only bad, is that the thing weighs about 10 pounds.

My laptop that I own, (the other 3 belonged to epb)
is the compaq v2000z. It is so fast, and really quiet. I got it about 7 months ago, and The processor is a 2 ghz AMD mibile sempron. (5 hours of battery life)

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

microwave humor

You know how when you nuke your frozen dinner for the correct amount of time, and it is still solid ice in the middle, yet it is boiling hot everywhere else.

You can put planet earth into this perspective, it is overcooked in the middle and frozen on both ends.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I have been getting strange phone calls from people about a tree service. I researched it, and found that the 6 digits are the same as my phone number, mine is 555*- 3595, the tree service is 555*- 3593, all 6 digits are the same, except the last one. I got about 10 different calls from people wanting their trees cut down.

This one old lady kept calling, wanting Ed to come out to remove some fallen trees from a storm. Since she wouldn't listen, I got the tree service to call her.

*the first 3 digits are changed because of how big the web is