Random things will come and go on this page please don't be worried. Jokes and pictures will be posted also

Sunday, May 28, 2006


In one of my many battles that I have played in battlefield 1942; a description of a memorable battle-

I am reliving the operation battleaxe, I have successfully captured a control point, I walk out of the doorway, and stand face to face with two german tanks. I quickly make my way to the wall with the most shelter from tank shell fire. (this happened very early in the game, so I didn't want to be obliterated by the tanks) luckily I could access the ammo box through the wall, and I would just toss a grenade out the door, when a tank would move. It takes about 7 grenades to blow up a german panzer IV tank, but I survived. And my stats showed, two enemy vehicles destroyed, two kills, and no death for me.

Saturday, May 27, 2006


I am bleeding blue blood, were going to saturn

Friday, May 26, 2006

wishing that school was completely different

I wish that school was extremely different than what it is now. I am despising a bible class on my blasted online school. (i am not finished yet, that is the whole of my feelings) The lessons are junk, and the tests ask strange questions, and you are guaranteed an F if you don't find a translator into something readable for the lessons and tests.
I know this sounds odd, but a christian disliking a bible class, I know; the whole year of lessons was junk and it showed on the very first lesson I started.
I have a current B average in it, but I am wishing that grace academy was either not ever startes, or there is a complete lesson makeover.

Here is the ideal school (in my opinion)

You find a carrier or skill that you are good at/ like. Then you go through school qualifying for the job you have chosen, and if you have a complete 180 turnaround in your life, you just go to school for like a week passing for the few requirements that were not needed for your other job choice.

there would be subjects in common, like math, science, english, reading, etc.

I am going to work invariably on/with computers and in my opinion bible class will not be needed.

I have just been getting low grades on some oy my multiple choice quizzes, and since it is partially open book, I researched my answers, and checked them, and I would have passed the quiz with an 85 or higher, but I got a 57.
Here is how I want to fix it, the questions are counted off much less if your answer was on the right track, but if you miss the correct answer completely, more will be deducted.

I am finishing my rant now. Tell me what you think of my schooling idea

Thursday, May 25, 2006

My dad got a $12 electric bill for april/may. I think that is very positive energy conservative statement/achievement.

the secret- if the humidity is low and the temperature is in the 65/70's don't even think about turning on the air conditioner. Let nature's air conditioner do the work for free. Open all of the windows in your house until the day starts to warm up, then close everything, and now you have a cooler house and a lower electricity bill.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Here is some more randomness-

the federal spending plan includes $6 million spent on erosion control in one corner of the white house

two beans or not two beans, that is the question

There is something fishy in the land of sweeden

memory cards-
1 kind holds lots of pictures /files
the 2nd kind is a memorable card

a measurement tool
the president

Saturday, May 20, 2006


I found this $1 gambling token at my local pool. I have been on a cruise but I went with Carnival.

Monday, May 15, 2006

A real word

This is a real word, it is a chemical found in shampoo, it is 27 letters long;


Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Aggressive vegetation

Mongolian squirrels have two times as much rabies

What about bob, tie him to the mast!

World Domination with blunderbusses and modern art

Things I might not be able to master-
the art of tearing saran wrap
aluminum foil isn't much easier

Things I have mastered-
cooking, to an extent
washing dishes

Things I have to master-
job interviews

Things I want to master-
extreme soccer skills
making money easily

the list goes on, but this is all I can remember right now

Friday, May 05, 2006

I have succeded in breaking the sound barrier with light.

The only difference between the violin and the viola, is that the viola burns longer.

Let me know when the laws of pyhsics don't apply any more